Sunday, April 15, 2012

Moist Maker

Day 26 - "Knock, knock. Who's there? Ross Gellar's lunch. Ross Gellar's lunch who" Ross Gellar's lunch, please don't take me, okay?"

Ever since watching Friends and learning about this sandwich I have always wanted to try it. So simple, moist and delicious. Today I decided to make it for the first time and it was spectacular!

The key is obviously in the extra slice of bread that has been soaked it gravy. I soaked it for about 20 minutes before I put the sandwich together. To assemble (from bottom to top) I layed a slice of Italian five grain bread, a few slices of turkey, the gravy soaked slice, and then some cranberry sauce followed by the top slice of bread. The combination of flavors is exquisite! The salty turkey and gravy with the cranberry just works so well together. It's a little messy because the moist slice does slide around a little so I think next time I'll try cutting it. But nevertheless it's a great sandwich.

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