Sunday, April 8, 2012

BLT Pita (Pita Pit)

Day 21 - "I'm cookin' MCs like a pound of bacon"

The way I feel when I see/smell bacon always reminds me of Homer Simpson drooling, that guy just gets it! The only person that seems to love bacon more than him has got to be my brother. Going to breakfast buffets as a kid I remember him coming back to the table with a mound full of bacon on his plate and always eating it with such gusto. I remember once it was only bacon. I'm not that hard core but I am a bacon lover.
I love how food is just stuffed into pitas. At pita pit it seems like you can get any kind of food smashed into one. Any 'sandwich' that can be eaten with one hand gets a high five from me (hey, I've got a free hand!) The BLT pita was great because of the star, they fried up 8 pieces of bacon for me so it was not only a good amount of meat but also fresh. The only thing I would have liked was some kind of sauce. The bites that only included lettuce and pita were a little dry so I added ranch from home and that did the trick! Yum-my!

*I thought about cutting the pita to showcase the bacon but then there was the chance of major spillage, no way.

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