Monday, April 9, 2012

BBQ Pork Sandwich

Day 22 - "I had a barbeque stain on my white shirt"

Today I had a BBQ pork sandwich. I thought about cooking the pork myself but I don't have a slow cooker or the time to cook it the right way. So I totally cheated and bought the pork already cooked at Publix, simmerin in delicious juices all day. As soon as I got home I mixed it with some Sweet Baby Rays honey barbeque sauce. This sauce is divine! My brother suggested that I add coleslaw to the top and I had every intention of doing so but they didn't have any ready made at the supermarket and I was too excited to eat to drive somewhere in search of coleslaw --which I don't even remember if I like or not.

So this became a classic BBQ sandwich. I ate it on some Italian plus five grain bread and paired it with some carrots which I actually just shoveled in my mouth, they didn't give me any real satisfaction just distracted me from the good stuff.

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