Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cheddar Cheese & Branston Pickle

Day 27 - "Reasons to be cheerful"

Yet again another sandwich that I've never tried. I heard about this sandwich when asking friends about their favorites, this one came from a Welsh friend. Her other favorite was Brie and grapes. These are both sandwich pairings that I had never tried before and I learned that sandwiches like this probably originated in the UK from something called the 'Ploughman's lunch'.

I had never tried Branston pickle before and when I went to find it at the supermarket I had to go to the ethnic section. It's made of diced vegetables like carrots, onions, swede, cauliflower, and gerkin pickled in a sauce mixed with vinegar, tomato, apple, dates and several spices. It tastes a little sweet and spicy, but when combined with the cheddar cheese it tastes surprisingly well! I hesitated with this sandwich because of the strong smell of vinegar in the Branston pickle but I was pleasantly surprised by how the flavors tasted when combined with the cheese and bread.  Just another reason that no sandwich will go untasted.

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