Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ultimate Sub (Publix)

Day 2 - 'Ultimate Satisfaction'

Ham, Turkey, Roast Beef & Swiss Cheese.

When it comes to subs, Publix packs on the ingredients, you leave with a sub weighing at least 5 pounds and always spring for the whole instead of the half --to 'save some for later' or gorge on the deliciousness that is a Publix sub. You know it's quality when you need to develop a strategy for unhinging your jaw to bend/maneuver a full bite of the sandwich into your mouth.

I had never tried the "Ultimate" before but it was highly recommended by a new friend and I just had to try it. Boars Head Ham, Turkey, Roast Beef and Swiss cheese with some veggies piled on top. But the key to this sub was the honey mustard which brought it all together with the little bit of sweetness and spice. Solid sandwich.

*Tara knows more than just soup. =)

1 comment:

  1. With Boars Head cuts. All your food groups wrapped up in 12"'s of heaven. 86 that mayo please. Avocado:)
