Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cuban Sandwich (Mi Apa)

Day 6 - 'My family is from Cuba but I'm an American...'

I would surely be a lousy Cuban/Miamian not to include some kind of Spanish inspired sandwich during my 30 days. I would eat anything on some Cuban bread.  My brother and I loved getting the ends (about 5 or 6 inches of bread), pulling out the masa (soft white bit) and filling it with scrambled eggs. No mess sandwich!

Pressed Cuban bread, lightly buttered, little yellow mustard, pork, ham, swiss cheese, and thinly sliced dill pickles. The salty meats with the cheese and the bread that had a hint of garlic taste to it was perfection. At Mi Apa they serve this sandwich with mariquitas (plantain chips) and I paired it with a mango juice which had actual fruit in it (who knew)!

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